Gonzaga Group Two Arrives Safely

The second group of Gonzaga students and faculty have arrived safely in Lusaka this morning.  They were received by Fr. Dominic, who will tour them around the capital city today, before traveling to Livingstone tomorrow morning for Victoria Falls and a safari at Chobe National Park, Botswana.  We are so glad to have them in Zambia safe and sound!

Please continue down the blog page and read a reflection from Constanza.  We will attempt to hear from both groups over the next few days.

Dr. Josh Armstrong

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9 Responses to Gonzaga Group Two Arrives Safely

  1. Mary Van Amringe says:

    Thank you for the official word of Group 2’s safe arrival! I had assumed from British Airways flight status although it kept saying “flight departed” even after posting the 6:06 updated arrival time! <:) High prayers for the ending of Group 1's experience and safe journey home…and the beginning of Group 2's experience! Please hug Kate for me! 🙂 Blessings to you all.

    xoxo Kate's Mom Mary

  2. Mike Dempsey says:

    Great to hear that Group 2 has arrived safely to begin their adventure! I hope that you enjoy your orientation to the beauty of Zambia. Group 1, make the best of the remainder of your time in Zambia! Know that you all continue to be in our prayers.

  3. Traci Dempsey says:

    I am very happy to hear that Group 2 made it safely to Zambia. Now both of my girls are on the same soil! I look forward to being able to get a glimpse of your experience from the blog 😉 Enjoy your time and make the best of the opportunity that you have been given. Meg know that you are loved and missed!
    Peace and blessings to all of you!

  4. Linda Watson says:

    Hooray! Yes, indeed, Group 2…Welcome to Zambia! It really is a relief to know you all arrived safely AND made it through customs! Dave, sounds like you did not have to bail anyone out of jail for possession of illegal substances…Whew! That list of illegal substances is HUGE. You better believe we didn’t pack anything close to Benadryl!!!!!!

    Group 2 you must be in Livingston now. Know that we are all on this journey with you. Open your hearts to the experiences you are having at this moment and those to come. Our wish for each of you is that you could shake off any preconceptions, any fears, and stresses, any worries and simply…be…be in each moment, for they will all pass ever so quickly. Absorb it all, for these precious moments whether they be full of joy and happiness or sadness, whether they be frustrating or exhilarating…they will all be experiences that will shape each of your lives and will be a part of you forever.
    Group 1, you are amazing. Our family has read every one of your blogs and have been blessed by your honesty and insights. You have helped prepare us for some of the feelings and experiences those in Group 2 will encounter. What is so wonderful is, although you are all so close and share so many things together, how each of you are touched in different ways and have shared that, from deep within your hearts, with us. We are forever blessed by what you share. Keep those blogs coming! We know you must be feeling all sorts of emotions as your time in Zambezi is going all too quickly. Our wish for you is the same as for Group 2. Just be…be in the moment. Cherish that moment. Together, all those moments will be a never ending symphony of experiences that will be with you forever…

    Blessings to both Groups 1 and 2!
    Stefanie’s mom-Group 2

  5. John heule says:

    Moving of th’ earth brings harms and fears ;
        Men reckon what it did, and meant;                      
    But trepidation of the spheres, 
        Though greater far, is innocent. 
    John Donne

    You all can get Erin or Meg to explain that one….
    Have a great time Meg!
    Emmie I hope you’re on your way to the lions and giraffes!! I love you!

  6. Bill Fisch says:

    Paige, what a great story and birthday experience, we are all so proud of you. Enjoy each moment, an experience like this goes by too fast. Keep doing all the goodness you do. When you return home, we all want to repeat your birthday experience with you.
    Love ,Bill

  7. German Bernal says:

    Cristina, We are so proud of you, and we keep you in our prayers. Oh and your mother loves you and misses you.

  8. Susan Lundquist says:

    So glad to hear of your safe arrival! Thinking of you as you explore the power and majesty of one of the world’s wonders and experience the magic of observing wildlife in their natural setting. You are in our thoughts and prayers as you begin this fantastic journey…

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