Category Archives: Uncategorized

Connections: Zam Fam 2024

I’ve always struggled saying goodbye, and as I have got older, sometimes I find myself worrying about saying goodbye to people before I took the chance to say hello. I have noticed that this fear leads me to hold people … Continue reading

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Full Hearts. Full Minds. Full Hands.

The rhythms of our Zambia trip hold most years, and the final week in Zambezi is a stew of emotions. We all struggle to remain present even as reunions with loved ones draw near. We are saying goodbye to the … Continue reading

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“We have so much to talk about”

Hi everyone and happy Tuesday!  This week signifies the final stretch of classes and our time here in Zambezi. From the student’s computer presentations with Sarah and Charlie, to the business proposal with Emily and Lucia. Will, Ana, Julia, and … Continue reading

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The Beauty Is Yet to Come

Three weeks ago the Zam Fam began our day headed to Victoria Falls to see one of the Seven Wonders of the Natural World. We hiked in to the national park, and—when we got our first glimpse of the falls—we … Continue reading

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Music to my Ears

After a warm welcome to Dipalata, a rural village a quick and bumpy 40 minute ride away from the convent and also our cozy home for the night, the crew began to unload the two land cruisers packed full like … Continue reading

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Why Not?

Hello family & friends,  It is the end of week 2 of classes! Being here in Zambezi has brought so much joy, growth, emotions, reflection, and a whole lot of CONNECTIONS! A month before we left for Zambia, I started … Continue reading

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The Beauty of the Human Hand

These are my hands, hands that touch, that give, that create. These are my hands, though small and without the prototypical slender elegance of fingers. Years dancing upon the keyboard of a computer and other spontaneous acts have rendered them … Continue reading

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Letting Go and Saying No

May 26th at 6:09 AM: On our second full day in Zambezi I woke up to text from my Mom that read “Call now, urgent”. The call was about my Grandpa, he had fallen and hit his head hard and … Continue reading

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Manifesting leadership in Zambezi

Being in CLP, a program that has always focused on servant leadership, I thought that I had a good idea of what it is to be a leader. However, being here has given me many examples of leadership that I … Continue reading

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Second Nature

We rarely think about things that come to us as second nature. The way we breathe, walk, put on shoes, clothes and more, all have become mindless and automatic tasks for us across the years. As I have been here … Continue reading

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