Finding God Covered in Beer

Hello family and friends of Group Two,
Some of you may have been anxious to hear from us and we apologize for the delay. Our group has been fortunate to experience much in these past few days. We have been in Livingstone, and tomorrow depart for an overnight safari. On Wednesday, we will arrive to Zambezi, and you can anticipate more regular blog entries from our group then. All are safe and well. For now, you can enjoy the insights of Paige Brunett as she kicks off the blog for Group Two.

I mean, I guess I had an okay birthday. It’s not like I saw one of the Wonder s of the World with the most genuine group of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of spending a month with. All kidding aside, yesterday was incredible. Frankly, I’m still trying to process my feelings from it. I have never felt more loved than the many times the group (and whoever else happened to be around at the time) sang happy birthday to me. Even more unbelievable was that we met a young woman, Claudia, at Youth Alive Livingstone (a group that promotes faith-based behaviour changes as a solution to HIV/AIDS) whose birthday it was as well. Claudia was very small for her age (twenty-four) and I assume that she had some kind of heath issue. Honestly, that didn’t even matter after five minutes talking to her. Claudia was so full of life and incredibly endearing and I feel blessed to share a birthday with her.
After leaving Youth Alive, we set off for the Victoria Falls National Monument. By the first photo-stop (which overlooked the side of the falls) I was already overwhelmed by its beauty. However, we were assured that, “it only gets better,” which seems to be the theme of ,not only Victoria Falls but the entire day and trip in general. Walking a few steps further, we were able to experience “the smoke that thunders” up close for the first time. The water pounding off the rocks and then onto us was incredibly refreshing. I was drenched after a matter of seconds and after many a photo was taken, we walked even further into the park. They were right, it did get better. Being so close to something so powerful made me feel incredibly insignificant but so blessed to know that I was able to be in that place. I know that my attempts to articulate the Falls would be inadequate, it’s something to be experienced. After being soaked to the bone, with nearly full memory cards (both literally and figuratively) we headed back into town for dinner at Cafe Zambezi, where the birthday festivities kicked into high gear. After great food and many laughs, I was serenaded once more. A man at the next table over, apparently inspired by our singing and perhaps a few too many Mosi’s, decided to introduce me to a Zambian birthday tradition: he poured his ice cold beer all over my head. In the moment, I was shocked, appalled, but most of all, sticky and reeking of the lager. Upon reflection (and a hot shower) I realized that that experience, as well as the entire day, was once in a lifetime. It saddens me to know that I will most likely never have a birthday like this, but that sadness is cancelled out by the memory of how amazing my 20th birthday was.
While I thought that the group had bonded on the retreat earlier in the semester as well as during class all spring, sharing this experience together solidified us as a team, invigorating us to make the most of these next three weeks. Even today, the change in the group dynamic was tangible in the impromptu reflection we had at Father Dom’s home. I feel so blessed to be sharing this adventure with a group of people who truly accept each other for who we are and are invested in our trip with wide hearts, ready to be filled with the spirits of those we encounter.
-Paige Brunett, 2014

P.S. Mom, Dad, and Bill- I love you. Thank you for all that you do and allowing me to have such an incredible experience. Mommy, say hi to my boy for me.

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16 Responses to Finding God Covered in Beer

  1. Ann Brunett says:

    I was talking to G&G on the phone when I opened up the blog and saw it was you – so happy! It’s great to hear that you’re all doing so well and have gotten off to such a good start. I’m so excited for your group, and for the experiences you’ll have in the weeks ahead. The Falls sound amazing, and I can only imagine how wondrous the safari is going to be. KK and I were kyaking this morning, missing you and thinking about the elephants and the scenery and people…oh, the places you’ll go!
    Your birthday certainly takes the cake (HA!) – but I get to spend mine with G&G on Friday and eat lima beans and coconut cake (yes, by choice. Yum.)
    I wish I could hug everyone who helped to make your day so unforgetable – my warm wishes to all as you start out on the next part of the journey. Be safe and sound and take care of each other!
    Love to you always! Mom
    PS, Lucky is still sleeping outside your door. It’s pretty tragic.

  2. Katie Blackburn says:

    Wow, Paige, although I have never heard of quite a birthday tradition, it certainly made a memory like no other 🙂 happy birthday, and to all of group two, enjoy every minute! All the best, Katie

  3. Kaylyn says:

    BEST. BIRTHDAY. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that you’re already having experiences of a lifetime! Can’t wait to read more blogs! But I especially can’t wait to see you when you get back and hear more amazing stories 🙂 So much love! Xxoxx

  4. stacey pskowski says:

    Paige – sounds like you had a great birthday with a lot of laughs and great memories. I doubt we could have topped that here in Cornwall but we wish you were here anyway. we are so thrilled with your adventures and impressed with your courageous travel spirit. We’re not ready to send nell but how about taking henry????? We are proud of the woman you are becoming – keep growing with energy and passion – can’t wait to see you this summer – all our love – stacey, nell, krapper and them

  5. Anne Dickman says:

    Happy Birthday Paige! Celebrating your 20th birthday at Victoria Falls is something that you will never forget. I am glad to hear that you are all safe and well. Your description of the falls was magnificent, and I am sure that “it only gets better” will be an appropriate phrase for you all as you continue your journey in Zambia with your open hearts and willing spirits. Have fun on the safari, keep taking lots of pictures, and be safe.

    Anne Dickman (Alex’s mom)

    P.S. Alz, we are all sending you positive vibes and tons of love every day.
    And Dad is looking forward to celebrating your birthday “Zambian style”.

  6. Kristen says:

    I love “It only gets better.” I’m making that my new mantra! Glad your journey is off to such a fantastic start.

  7. Holly, Jim, Teddy, Sofia & Gigi says:

    Happy, happy birthday, Paige! This was a gorgeous story – and such a beautiful memory now. I’m hoping to rally the kiddos for a rousing round of Happy Birthday for you tomorrow afternoon – will you be able to see it? If not, it will be there when you return. Love and miss you,

  8. Roy Brunett says:

    Hello Paige —
    A Happy 20th Birthday! I am just able to respond now. To celebrate with friends as well as being able to create new relationships, across an ocean and a continent, is an incredibly special present, indeed. And, to have a birthday at one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World is simply awesome.

    As your adventure continues, be well and smile often. Your uncle Bubba always tells me that you have such a wonderful smile…..I hope you share it with the others in your group and the people you meet.

    It’s All good. With much love,

  9. Christina (Pskowski) Deeley says:

    Aloha & Iakwe Cousin Paige!

    What an amazing account of your travels. I’m so jealous…not easily done considering we live in beautiful Hawaii. I can’t believe you are 20! I remember the Xmas we came back east when you were only 2…time passes so quickly. If Kylie turns out to be half the woman you are I’ll consider my job well done. Have fun, be safe and continue the wonderful work you’re doing. We are all so proud!

    Love & aloha,
    Chris, Nick & Kylie

  10. Linda Watson says:

    What an outstanding 20th Birthday celebration, Paige! Stefanie’s brother’s birthday was also on June 2nd! We grabbed take-out at Ivar’s and headed for Shilshole beach (Seattle)! I’m definitely not going to let him read your post!!!!!!! All I know is Zambians know how to celebrate Birthdays. Between Aiden Armstrong’s Birthday celebration in Zambezi and yours in Livingston, I want to come to Zambia to celebrate my Birthday! What wonderful celebrations you both had! Happy Birthday!

    Group 2, you are on your 2-day Safari adventure in Botswana as I write this. Another experience of a lifetime! Enjoy every minute! Wednesday you’ll be in Zambezi and begin the journey for which you came. Just remember, each of you were meant to come to this particular place, at this designated time, with the individuals that make up your Group. This is not by happenstance, this is by Divine Plan. Open your hearts to all that you’ll experience individually and as a team. What you are about to share together will be with you for a lifetime.

    Blessings, Group 2…

    Xoxo Linda
    Stef’s mom

    Love you, Stef! We miss you, but are so excited for you….Reading Jesus Calling, daily, as we’ve always tried to do…and hoping you are, too.

  11. Bill Fisch says:

    Bill Fisch says:
    June 4, 2012 at 1:07 am
    Paige, what a great story and birthday experience, we are all so proud of you. Enjoy each moment, an experience like this goes by too fast. Keep doing all the goodness you do. When you return home, we all want to repeat your birthday experience with you.
    Love ,Bill

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  13. Katherine DeGreef says:


    The second I started reading this post I knew it was from you! You write just like you talk, which means I could envision you sitting on a beanbag chair in the soft glow of light in the CLC house, recounting this incredible experience you are having as though we were actually there. It is a bummer we didn’t get to celebrate your birthday as a group (I’m sure Levi would have had some contribution, if only a smart remark) but I am so glad you got to experience what I can only imagine was the birthday of a lifetime.
    Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as you journey though this country with a wide heart – I am so incredibly proud of your grace and beauty, and I can’t wait to hear what experiences make a lasting impact on your life. I think our first CLC meeting in the fall will have to be at least 3 hours long!

    Love and Prayers to you and the whole group!!

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