Why Not?

Hello family & friends, 

It is the end of week 2 of classes! Being here in Zambezi has brought so much joy, growth, emotions, reflection, and a whole lot of CONNECTIONS!

A month before we left for Zambia, I started to get really anxious about what could happen on this trip. I wasn’t really the person who would go out and try new things unless I was with my friends. I chose to stick with the comfortable. I had so much anxiety when talking to new people because all I could think about was, “What do I talk about? What should I talk about? What good questions should I ask?” A few days before we left for the airport, reality started to hit and I started to think that I was in over my head, leaving home for a month and going to a country that I’ve only heard about from Josh and former Zags who have gone in the past. I had to prepare myself with the questions, “How do I connect with the people in Zambezi and how can I challenge myself?” 

However, there’s a quote I’ve been constantly thinking about here in Zambia. From one of my all time favorite movies, We Bought A Zoo, Scarlett Johansson asks Matt Damon why he bought a random zoo and Damon replies with “Why Not?” Whenever this quote would pop up in my head, I would think “Why not do this? Why not do that?” Life is too short to not take opportunities so why not take them? There are many things I have regretted not doing in college and now is the time to get out of the comfort zone. 

On our first night in Zambezi, we were welcomed by the community with a huge dance party. I wasn’t in the mood to dance (for all my family and friends back home, SHOCKING!) and was hoping to blend in with the others on the outer skirts of the circle. But seeing Sarah & Will dance with everyone, why not have fun with everyone? Why not shake my hips with Sarah & Katie? By the end of the dance party, I was in happy spirits and excited for the good moments to come. 

On the first Wednesday here, I was walking home by myself from Zambezi Boarding (ZB), trying to find my turn to the road. I then heard a distant voice behind, yelling “Hi.” A man was walking behind and caught up to greet me. He introduced himself as Morgan, a student teacher at ZB. I then thought, “Why not walk with Morgan? Let’s walk together!” I invited him to walk with me to the spot where I was meeting Josh at. Despite living in the opposite direction, Morgan still took my invite and we walked to the main road together. We asked each other questions about the other person’s life, passions, local talk. Morgan was so kind to walk home with me, but what I remember most about our walk together was being present. I wasn’t worried about time, the path, or questions I should be asking. I was living in the moment and getting to know my new friend.

The next day, Will and I had our first lesson at Chilena Primary School, focusing on Library Day and Science. While reading with the students, I noticed that comprehension was very difficult for most of the students, especially when I asked them what their book was about. When the students read their books, I tried to think of ways to explain how to identify the lesson or theme of a story. After reflecting on the day, I thought, “Why not scratch some of our Library Day ideas and start fresh?” While I can’t teach everything about reading to the students of Chilena in three weeks, I can help with teaching them some basics of reading. After deciding this, we got to work on some lessons and are excited to be spending time with some of the brightest students.  

This week has come with a lot of emotions and homesickness has started to kick in for me and for others around here. I knew this was going to come, but what I didn’t expect was how hard it was going to hit. I tried to stuff my emotions deep down inside, focusing on going to ZB and connecting with the community and the ZamFam. It became a lot for me, so I thought, “Why not just let it out? The tears are going to come anyways, so why not just let them out? Why not focus on yourself for a little bit?” I went to bed early that night, just letting my tears come out while I fell asleep. The next morning, I still felt off and didn’t have the motivation to be happy or excited for what’s to come in the day. My ZamFam could tell I was quieter than usual, so they would check in on me, give me a hug, or let me have my own space when I needed it. While the homesickness didn’t completely go away, I felt unconditional love from everyone and appreciated the support I needed, even if I was nervous to ask for that support. 

I have grown a lot on this trip with making new friends, trying to get outside of my comfortable routine, starting fresh, and allowing all emotions to be felt. Usually when someone says they have seen me grow in different moments of my life, I don’t really believe them as I can’t see that growth myself. However, I am proud of myself for taking a very big leap and joining this amazing trip of a lifetime. I am proud that I have taken the path less taken because it has led me to some amazing moments filled with joy, lessons, and a lot of growth. I hope to continue taking the opportunities and leading with “Why not?” 

To my family, Priest Lake friends, & my Sinto girls, I miss you all so much and cannot wait to see you soon! 

With love, 

Ellie Powers ’24


PROGRAM NOTE: We will be staying overnight in Dipalata, Zambia, a special rural community this weekend.  We will post our next blog on Sunday evening here in Zambezi.  

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4 Responses to Why Not?

  1. Michelle Doty says:

    Thank You for expressing your vulnerability. Means a lot to me personally knowing that you are supporting each other during this final stretch. You guys must be all over the place with emotions! Again, grateful for the share ❤️

  2. Bryce Kreiser says:

    Yes!!! So good! So courageous! So thoughtful! Go Ellie!

  3. Klaire Powers says:

    I love this post Ell Belle. Your Dad and I are so happy this trip has made such an impact on you. I know the homesickness has been hard for everyone but we are thankful you all are supporting each other when it hits. Enjoy this last week with your ZamFam and we will see you next weekend! ❤️

    Love Mom

  4. Kylie Mukai says:

    Hi, Ellie!
    Beautiful reflection. It prompted me to look through my journal from when I was in Zambezi :). Keep leaning on each other!

    I hope you all have a great time in Dipalatamateananaeyaya (hehe)— sing lots of songs, learn lots, and enjoy it all! I will be excitedly awaiting the blog post!!

    – Kylie Mukai

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