Zambia Missioning


Earlier this evening, Gonzaga students and faculty were flowing into the University Chapel with excitement and anticipation for the “missioning” of our work together in Zambia.  The faculty directors of the study abroad programs in Zambezi, Monze, and Chimfunshi, as well as the Vice President for Mission, Fr. Case, S.J., and the Director of University Ministry, Fr. Hightower, S.J. hosted this annual gathering to bless the work of these summer programs.

The Gonzaga-in-Zambezi program provides a transformational opportunity for Gonzaga faculty and students to travel to Zambia to develop their leadership skills while immersing themselves in another culture.  These students return home with a deeper understanding of culturally aware leadership, the practice of intercultural competencies, and the lived knowledge of accompaniment.

It’s important to recognize that this teaching in Zambezi occurs within the context of Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy.  Jesuit education presents ideas out of a human “centeredness”, with stress on uncovering and exploring the relationships, questions, conclusions and implications which a particular discipline brings to light about what it means to be a human being.  The Ignatian pedagogical paradigm is rooted in a few essential elements of the formation of persons for others, namely Experience, Reflection, and Action.  I wanted to briefly introduce you to these elements within the context of the Zambezi experience. Students are engaged as whole persons within the holding environment of the Zambezi Experience.  We attempt to create the conditions within this unique and often “uncomfortable” setting whereby students gather information, feelings, values and insights through this learning opportunity.  We then engage students in skills and techniques of Reflection. Here understanding, imagination, and feelings are used to grasp the essential meaning and value of what is being experienced in Zambezi, to discover its relationship to previous experience and knowledge, and to appreciate its implications in the continuing search for truth.  Finally, we want our students to move beyond knowledge to Action.  We will explore and challenge students to choose the best possible course of action from what they have learned in Zambezi.  We expect them to become global leaders who develop communities of justice, peace and love through this experience of culturally aware leadership knowledge and skills.  We recognize that this often occurs through “small things done with great love” (Mother Teresa) when students put these newly found values to work back in their home communities.

We are inspired by our Jesuit tradition and look forward to beginning this journey with our Gonzaga students in Zambezi.  I hope that you will follow along.

Kisu, mwane (blessings).

Dr. Josh Armstrong


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One Response to Zambia Missioning

  1. Fr. Dominic says:

    We will be waiting for you in Zambia.

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