We arrived safely.

After 34 hours of traveling the Gonzaga students and faculty have safely arrived in Zambezi, Zambia.  They left Seattle on Tuesday evening, flew to London, powered through a seven hour layover, hopped on a ten hour flight to Lusaka (the capital of Zambia) and ended their journey with a three hour flight on a Flying Missions bush plane into Zambezi.

The Gonzaga team was greeted at the Zambezi landing strip by students of Chilena Basic School who celebrated their arrival with singing, traditional dancing, and drumming.  For the past six years, this school has been an important partner – it has hosted Gonzaga student teachers with our literacy project and is the location of a new library that Zambia Gold Honey is assisting this community to build.  We are so appreciative of this relationship and the children were excited to welcome new Gonzaga friends to their community.

Students are settling into their new rooms and getting acquainted with Zambezi.  A formal orientation and introduction to each project will begin tomorrow, so there is not much time to recover from jet lag.  We will post a few first impressions of the Zambezi community tomorrow, hopefully…. the Zambezi community is experiencing a lack of electrical power now and we hope it will be back soon.


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16 Responses to We arrived safely.

  1. Haruka Yamaguchi says:

    I’m so glad my sister and her adventurous friends arrived to Zambia safely!!! Now their memorable joinery begins!! I hope everyone will have a great time and experience so much in a very different culture. Stay safe & have a wonderful trip Gonzaga!!
    And I’m very thankful for this blog:)
    Miss you Hikaru<3

  2. Nanette Walden says:

    So glad that you all arrived safely. Open your eyes, hearts and minds to everything this experience will bring to you. Love to you all.

  3. Megan Dempsey says:

    Happy to hear everyone made it safe and that you’re all taking in Zambezi! Erin: I miss you! Nice butt in the picture…lookin’ good! Love you, seester!
    Can’t wait to hear about everyone’s adventures!

  4. Kim Ferguson says:

    Thank you for the safe arrival post! We have all been anxiously awaiting news of your safe arrival. I am so excited to read about this incredible journey you are all embarking upon. Blessings to all ! Love, Miss Kim aka Lauren’s Mom

  5. Anna says:

    Im so glad you all made it safely and powered through a 7 hour layover! I’m so excited to stalk the blogs and pretend like I am back in Zambezi! Be prepared for an incredible experience. A year later I still tear up looking at Zambia photos. Soak up every moment and say yes!! Love you Christina and I’m sorry I didn’t Skype you in time.

  6. Brady says:

    Ahhhh!! a;lsdfjas;ldfjs;dlfj I am so excited for you guys! I am so glad everyone is safe and I can’t wait to read all about your adventures.

    PS – I’m sad that Constanza’s luggage didn’t make it into the picture (a thing that monstrous deserves a blog post for itself).

    Love you all,

  7. Dave Houglum says:

    Good morning to you all in Zambezi! I love it!!!! I’ve been watching the clock since you all took off on Tuesday and have been hitting “refresh” on the blog every 5 seconds until your arrival. Remember, just say “yes” to everything, slow down, serve with others at eye-level, love those you lead, and live in the present!!!! Looking forward to seeing you all on the tarmac in a few weeks, if only for a quick high 5, low 10, or a chest bump!

  8. Megan says:

    So glad to hear you all made it safely. Jon, the Padres have lost to the Dodgers 8-1, so while you are all sure to be experiencing new and exciting things, it seems to be the same old same old here. I’m sure the opening day has brought on an overwhelming amount of emotions, but enjoy and cherish them all! Looking forward to reading the blogs to come!

  9. Matthew Hayes says:

    Wow! How exciting and really glad the blog is in place. Kathleen….the family says hi and happy to see you in the picture. Some good advice in the other blog comments.

    Love, Dad and family

  10. Teri Worthey says:

    Thank you for letting us know our loved ones have safely reached Zambezi. We are looking forward to hearing all about their adventures. As a parent, there are not words to express how thrilled we are that our child is blessed with the opportunity to experience this adventure. Thank you Dr. Josh Armstrong & Gonzaga University.

  11. Michele Droessler says:

    We are so happy to hear that everyone is safe and sound!! We can’t wait to hear about all the wonderful experiences you will have in Zambia. Jonathan-especially want to hear about the bush plane flight 🙂 Love, Mom, Dad, Rachel and REGGIE

  12. Katie Blackburn says:

    So glad everyone made it safely! Will be thinking about you all daily!

  13. Naomi Yamaguchi says:

    Thank you for letting us this page.I’m so happy to hear that.
    Have a safe trip eveyone!
    Love you,
    Mom from Japan.

  14. Tyler & Dad says:

    The journey has just begun; ENJOY IT!

  15. Nagisa Yamaguchi says:

    -your annoying sister

  16. Jeanne Carr says:

    so glad to hear you all arrived safely. Looking forward to the blogs of your adventures! Be safe. Oxox

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