Hello. Dubai.


We made it to Dubai after a comfortable 14 hour flight on Emirates. Two words, Hot towels.  We have hardly been treated better!

After checking into our hotel in Dubai, we set out to see the sights – the Burj Kahalfi, the Dubai Water fountain, the Dubai aquarium, and finally the warm waters of the Arabian Gulf.

We are flying out this morning and will be arriving in Lusaka, Zambia this afternoon.  More postings to come soon.

Dr. Joshua and Zags in Zambia

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11 Responses to Hello. Dubai.

  1. Jake St. John says:

    That looks awesome! Missing Kylie Edinger!!!

  2. Hanna Edens says:

    This will become my new obsession for the next month! I am so happy to hear you all landed safely in Dubai (what a great place to have a such a long layover, lucky ducks!). It is bitter sweet to know another group of amazing Zags are headed to a place so near and dear to my heart and that I am not joining this round. However, I cannot wait for Zambezi and the beautiful people there to show and teach you what it truly means and feels to be alive. Embrace it all and love everyone! So incredibly excited for you all!!

    Kisu Kisu Mwane your #1 fan (already) Hanna

    P.S. Conner the moment you see Glory give her a huge hug, kiss on the forehead for me and let her know I love and miss her everyday!

  3. Ally Crha says:

    Wow, what an amazing layover! What a sharp looking picture (get it?!?) I am beyond excited for the adventure you all are already embarcing on. Soak it all in because these will be days you will remember vividly for years to come!

    Conner, tell Mama K, I still think of her every day and take a picture of Simako I want to see how much he has grown up in one year!

    Sending all my love and support from South East Asia.

    Hanna you have some competition as #1 fan, I’m trying to be the new Linda McCann…


    Ally Crha

  4. Katie Blackburn says:

    So thrilled for the adventure that lies ahead for all of you! Sending my love!


  5. Hayley Medeiros says:

    Yay! I’m so glad you all are making it safely! I’m very excited to see what it is like to read the blog from this side, but I am even more excited for all of you to experience Zambezi and the loving people of Zambia. Say YES to everything. This is your time! You are all beautiful people and are already missed!

    Benson, Wendy, precious , and Fabu, if you meet them give them a hug for me and get to know their story! Also, I know orange Julius will be around ,tell him his sister misses him!

    Sending lots of love to each one of you!
    Kisu Kisu Mwane!


  6. Katie McCann says:

    Hi all!
    I’m with Hanna… New summer obsession!! I am so excited to hear about your time in Dubai, that sounds absolutely unreal. Hot towels on the airplane? Are you kidding me? I remember freaking out about the box of free snacks at the back of the plane. I know each of you are soaking in every moment and looking forward to finally touching ground in Zambezi. That was one of my favorite experiences of my entire summer last year; embrace it!

    Girls, you are all glowing in that photo! I love it! Hi to Mark, Conner, Matt and Josh! I am so looking forward to reading more about your adventure. Actually getting choked up right now thinking of all the incredible experiences awaiting you. I love you all! Kisu mwane,
    Katie McCann
    zamfam 2013

  7. Lynda McCann says:

    Yay…my new favorite ‘summer reads’ have begun…! Can’t wait to hear this years adventures and enjoy all the stories that will be shared through your blogs!! I think Katie might be as obsessed as I was with this site last year, as only 10 hrs after your flight left she was refreshing the feed on the website and I had to remind her the flight to Dubai was 151/2 hrs 😉 Katie commented last night that she was feeling “so nostalgic” beyond excited for you all to get to Zambezi and begin your journey, but wanting to be there as well and relive it all! Conner, you know this won’t be the last time I say it, but take a gazillion pictures again (loved seeing the ones in Dubai) and make lots more beautiful memories that you can hold close to your heart! Mark…Kevin and I meant to post on your FB wall and say … “Soak it all in!! We are soooo happy you decided to go with Zambezi over the Amazon internship…good choice 😉 Have fun, be safe, take pictures and know we’re all drinking our Starbucks wishing we were there! Josh…you are a wonderful leader and as a parent I’m thanking you again for giving the students this opportunity…prayers and (((hugs))) for another amazing trip! Always~Lynda

  8. Josh Armstrong says:

    We have arrived safely in Lusaka, Zambia!!! We just finished meal with friends and will post a blog when we have reliable Internet.


  9. Pete & Nancy Chamberlain says:

    It’s great to know that you all have arrived safely in Zambia. Look forward to seeing more smiling faces! From Paris with love.

  10. melissa reinecke says:

    Glad to know you are safe! Looking forward to reading more!

  11. Ngan Family says:

    Excited to read more about your adventures in Zambia! So glad you all arrived safely. Wanted to say hello to Christine and Charlie! We love and miss you both, hope you are having an amazing time!!! Take care 🙂

    The Ngan Family

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