Author Archives: dodd

Accompaniment: a long view

Greetings from the convent common room. About half our team are huddled around in small clutches, debriefing their days and planning for tomorrow. The sun will set in about an hour, and then we’ll enjoy a delicious meal prepared by … Continue reading

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Our Final Goodbye

Welcome to the final blogpost for Gonzaga in Zambezi 2023! Thank you to everyone who has been following along for the past five weeks! I’m not going to lie; the idea of writing the very last blogpost for this trip … Continue reading

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Sad to be leaving but happy to be going

Today has been a difficult day for all of us, as it is our last day here in Zambezi. It has been full of goodbyes, hugs, and celebration. We had our business and leadership class graduation this morning, where we … Continue reading

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Desperation and inspiration

Hello to everyone back home from Hattie and the rest of the Gonzaga-in-Zambezi crew! As I write this blog post, I am well aware of how soon we will begin our trek back home. To me, it feels like I … Continue reading

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I don’t know, YET

Musana Mwane from Zambezi. My name is Maddie, and I’m very excited to have the blog again. This morning, the business team continued to help individuals build their project proposals. They are enjoying learning what business leaders value in Zambezi. … Continue reading

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Building bridges one brick at a time

Musana mwane to everyone following along at home!  After a rough couple days and some intense bouts of homesickness, it seems our group has reached a turning point. With one week remaining, there will soon be no more musical greetings, … Continue reading

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Overcoming the Lion.

Good morning to loved ones at home, Happy Monday from Zambezi. Today required more willpower than usual to roll out of bed after our weekend in Dipalata. Hattie’s peaceful alarm (if you heard my alarm, you’d understand why I’m calling … Continue reading

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Dipalat-amazing Overnighter

Hello again to all my bloggers. I’ve missed you! Grace S. and I just went for a delicious morning run. Taking advantage of the cool air and cloudy skies, we followed the same route that Jeff showed us yesterday. (Maybe … Continue reading

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Trucking through the ups and downs

At 6:20am the alarm went off in convent room 1 where Clare and I have resided during our time here in Zambezi. Time for our morning run! This morning we were joined by Bella, Dee, Lauren, Hattie, and Jeff. Last … Continue reading

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Becoming Inspired by the Leaders of Zambezi

Hi to all of those keeping up with the blog and this amazing group of people! (Happy birthday Clare’s mom!)  Today was a slow, routine day in Zambezi with one exception: it was Grace Sikes’ birthday!!! To celebrate, we hung a … Continue reading

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